Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012

WiFi Unlocker 2.4.5 APK FULL

WiFi Unlocker 2.4.5 APK FULL
Req: Android 2.1+

Unlock With WiFi provides convenience, security, and battery saving, all in one package! Try the new Full version..

2.4.4 and 2.4.5 - Bug fixes
2.4.3 - Android 4.0+ (ICS) compatibility.
New setup wizard for ICS.
New log watcher feature that reminds you not to change your password in the normal Android settings. In device admin mode, or ICS, you must change your password in UWW. This is very important, and will help users avoid screwing something up.

Download Here:

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Luapkankanlah semua isi pikiran & hati anda disini.,.,.,
salam persahabatan.,.,.,.,.!!!!!!!!!!!!